Kids’ Club provides a unique opportunity for SSP students to spend more time at school while broadening the scope of what is learned in the classroom. Teachers continue to focus on state standards while giving the children more freedom of choice when it comes to various activities. During this dedicated time, kids continue to build upon that knowledge through application, investigation, creativity, critical thinking, and play.

We have multiple enrollment options to suit your families needs. For the afternoon Kids’ Club, parents will need to provide a packed lunch. The school provides an afternoon snack.


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 9:00 am
11:30 am - 4:00 pm


$10 per hour

*A late fee will be charged for pick up after 4pm.

 Kids’ Club Enrollment

  • Standing Enrollment

    We encourage parents who need regular extended care to enroll in Kids’ Club at the time of registration to ensure your spot. Families enrolled in Kids’ Club will have a priority, standing reservations for the days and times requested during registration. With this type of enrollment Kids’ Club will be added to your tuition at a fixed amount that is determined based on your enrolled hours.

  • Drop - Ins

    Drop-ins are available on a first come first serve basis. Reservations for drop-ins can be made in the office for up to one month in advance. Drop-in hours are added to your tuition at the end of each month.

    *Please note any days not included in a standing enrollment reservation are considered as a drop-in.